Saying "I work in tech" is uselessly broad.
Tech is vast, multi-faceted, and multi-disciplined.
When one group lays claim to the term "tech," they shut out
all other facets of the technology industry.
One of many consequences of this narrow thinking is the stressed out
people posting over and over on Hacker News about burning out at a
FAANG company, thinking they just don't have what it takes.
The good news: "tech" != FAANG.
Saying I work in tech is like saying
That's an animal. A tiger? A squirrel? A poisonous snake?
She's from a country. Greenland? Sri Lanka?
He lives in a dwelling. A nice tautology
You use transportation. Car? Jet? Electric scooter? Your own feet?
Looks like you have a disease. A cold? Brain cancer?
Let's eat food. Another tautology
I work in tech. Web design? Embedded systems? Power management for nuclear facilities? Cookie Clicker?
Broaden your thinking. Work on something besides an app or a website. Browse some job listings and
marvel at just how in-demand your skills are and how transferable they are to so many domains.
Don't just say "I work in tech."